Centralized Cooling Systems

Your Solution Partner In Cooling Backed By Comprehensive Engineering Capability & Expertise.

Innovative Energy-Saving Technology. We make every effort for our customers to develop process-optimizing System solutions that cope with even less energy and efficiently counteract the increasing operating costs to be expected.

Chiller Systems For Your Business And Manufacturing Centers

Due to the massive increase in energy prices in recent years, reducing energy consumption is becoming more and more important. As a consequence of this development, we combined different technologies together, offering innovative energy recovery solutions with which enormous energy savings can be achieved. These systems perform different temperature outputs for different requirements.

Our product line has grown significantly since it first introduced a water temperature control system to include heat portable and central chillers, pump tanks, cooling towers, cold climate coolers, maintenance products and custom engineered systems. Our team of engineering and service professionals are dedicated to supplying the safest, consistent, accurate and  highest-quality products. We’ve made it our passion to surpass the needs of our customers across a variety of industries. That’s why we offer the ability to custom engineer any of our designs to meet the specific requirements of both composite manufacturers and business needs. Various applications Include:

Custom Engineered Solutions

Nowadays, high processing machines used in industries and different business application areas release a lot of heat during working operations. This extra heat can damage your industrial applications and increase running costs. To cope with excess heat issues and avoid overheating problems, we offer both indoor and outdoor centralized cooling solutions. 

  • Central chillers up to 500 Tons
  • Pump tank systems in 100 gallons (378.54 l) and larger designs,
  • Outdoor air-cooled chillers up to 70 Tons
  • Outdoor central chillers, cooling towers, and cold climate coolers up to 120 Tons.

Our energy-efficient lines of portable and central chiller systems offer precise process cooling for any application.

Contact us for more details.

A. Portable Chiller Systems.

Portable chiller systems can provide process cooling down to-20 °F (ca. -29 °C), up to 60 Ton cooling capacities, and are available in combination heating and chilling, single and dual circuit configurations, modulating and outdoor chiller designs.

B. Central Chiller Systems.

Central chiller systems supply process fluid controls down to 20 °F (ca. -7 °C) and up to 500 Ton cooling capacities. We provide accurate and reliable temperature control ranging from -20 °F to 700 °F (-29 °C to 371 °C).

Why Seidel is trusted by Top 100 Companies in the World?

Seidel has continued to adapt to the evolving needs of customers worldwide. The cooling efficiency systems we supply are manufactured based on the most optimized configuration according to customers’ detailed requirements. It thus has the following advantages over the traditional one-to-one cooling:

  • Small space occupation, centralized emissions of noises & heat, and improvement of workshop environment
  • Modular application and appropriate increase or reduction of cooling accessories
  • Centralized control (which can be operated remotely) and intelligent management
  • More competitive price/performance ratio: Saving 30% ~ 45% of ownership investment
  • More effective energy conservation: Saving 28% ~ 35% power consumption, reducing operation cost and cycle time
  • High Cooling Efficiency and Precise Temperature Control
  • Easy to maintain

Application Industries

Our chiller systems and custom solutions serve multiple applications across several industries, including:

Customer Service You Can Count On


Backed by one of the most experienced customer service teams in the industry, Seidel offers full customer support for customers to have access to our expertise before, during and after the sale. Our service capabilities include:

24-hour customer support over the phone

  • Installation and start-up assistance
  • Customer training capabilities
  • Complete factory repair and Technical support
  • Free Design Solution

